Blackstar PhotometricIES v1 0 R12 WINMAC

Blackstar PhotometricIES v1 0 R12 WINMAC

True photometric light data in MAXON Cinema 4D!

The BlackStar Photometric IES-LDT-Shader brings photometric lighting data into MAXON Cinema 4D! As opposed to simple point- or spotlights the usage of photometric data creates a more irregular and asymmetrical light distribution. This significantly increases the impression of a real light source which greatly enhances the visual quality.
More info in the manual!

Available for: Windows / Mac OS X both 32 and 64 bit, for Cinema4D Versions R10 and anything later.


  • True photometric light data without any additional renderer software
  • Supports American IES and European EULUMDAT standards

  • Supports any photometric symmetry pattern
  • Can be combined with any other C4D light property (like fall-off, volumetric, shadows...)
  • Freely combineable with other shaders to e.g. colorizer
  • Analyze the light distribution as 3D object 

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