finalRender 3.5 is targeted to the mainstream user base, while finalRender 3.5 SE (Studio
Edition) is the perfect choice for bigger production houses and
advanced users, seeking the maximum in quality and flexibility.
finalRender 3.5 brings new enhancements and features that offer more stability and productivity. The introduction of a completely new GI-Engine along with an innovative concept for handling primary and secondary GI-Engines fulfills the highest demands of finalRender users. Global illumination renderings are faster and cleaner, and show more detail than ever with unexpected ease-of-use. 3rd party compatibility has been improved considerably and, thanks to new co-operation initiatives, products like FumeFX 2.1 show dramatic speed improvements when using global illumination with finalRender. The software also comes with much better support for Hair Farm, an advanced3ds Max hair plugin.
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Password: thedoctor21
finalRender 3.5 brings new enhancements and features that offer more stability and productivity. The introduction of a completely new GI-Engine along with an innovative concept for handling primary and secondary GI-Engines fulfills the highest demands of finalRender users. Global illumination renderings are faster and cleaner, and show more detail than ever with unexpected ease-of-use. 3rd party compatibility has been improved considerably and, thanks to new co-operation initiatives, products like FumeFX 2.1 show dramatic speed improvements when using global illumination with finalRender. The software also comes with much better support for Hair Farm, an advanced3ds Max hair plugin.
If you like this software,Buy it
Password: thedoctor21